Compressive HDR light field imaging

Synthetic and real data set for compressive HDR light field imaging. There are 85 real light fields that are captured with Lytro camera with 5 exposures. The LDR light fields are decoded by [1] and merged view-per-view into an HDR light field using [2]. The synthetic data set is produced using Blender and contains 5 different scenes. Each scene was rendered using a 7x7 grid of cameras. Moreover, we have also produced different baselines, i.e. the distance between the cameras in the 7x7 grid.

For more infomation and questions please contact Saghi Hajisharif : saghi.hajisharif at or Ehsan Miandji ehsan.miandji at

[1] Dansereau, Donald G., Oscar Pizarro, and Stefan B. Williams. "Decoding, calibration and rectification for lenselet-based plenoptic cameras." Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition. 2013.
[2] Debevec, Paul E., and Jitendra Malik. "Recovering high dynamic range radiance maps from photographs." ACM SIGGRAPH 2008 classes. 2008. 1-10.

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The Synthetic data set, containing 5 rendered light fields with different baselines between the neighboring cameras. Hover over the thumbnail images to see the different light field views. Light field resolution: 960x540x3x7x7, i.e. 7x7 color images of resolution 960x540. Download all (14.8GBs)

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The real data set, containing 85 real light fields. Hover over the thumbnail images to see the different light field views. Light field resolution: 434x625x3x7x7, i.e. 7x7 color images of resolution 434x625. Download all (4.8GB)

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